South African Science Fairs

From 2012 until 2023, this website was used to manage North Gauteng Science Fairs, SAYESS and several other successful science fairs. Imbewu is in the process of replacing and renewing the website and App as this system has reached end of life.

In 2024, these Science Fairs will continue as usual!

Please contact Riana for details of the interim registration process for North Gauteng Science Fairs in 2024.

North Gauteng Senior Science Fair

North Gauteng Senior Science Fair is the oldest science fair in South Africa. It caters for learners in grades 7-12.

North Gauteng Junior Science Fair

North Gauteng Junior Science Fair was introduced to accommodate younger learners, in grades 1-6. It was separated from the senior event to better accommodate the younger learners.

Northern Cape Science Fair

Northern Cape Science Fair is organised by iMbewu Science Foundation, in the Postmasburg area.

SAYESS National Science Fair

SAYESS is a national/international science fair organised by iMbewu Science Foundation. Learners must be selected at a regional science fair to participate.

Over the years, the website grew from a simple website into a sophisticated science fair management database that was too large for a volunteer to manage in their spare time. We look forward to announcing the new platform that will be used to manage these events.

This website is not affiliated to any organisation or event. If you manage a science fair or related olympiad/competition in South Africa and would like us to add a link to your website, please email

Having been involved in the organisation and administration of science fairs, we are able to offer customised websites suited to your needs, especially in the fields of education, science fairs and related events. To discuss your requirements and for a competitive quote, please contact